Saturday Night Special...
Its Saturday 6 Aug, and our second to last day of fishing for this trip. Our usual Flamingo routine... anglers up at 6 (crew up at 4:45 and heading for the boat by 5:15), coffee at 6:45 and on the beach waiting for the water taxi by 7.
While waiting we saw the fueling operation in action. A fuel truck parks on the road next to the beach, and stretches several hundred feet of hose over the beach and out to the boat to be fueled, which idles around during the procedure. Something to see - one of the things that makes fishing Flamingo all about the logistics. When they’re working, they work well. If you’re not prepared and they’re not working, you’ll get your ass handed to you. Needless to say, Jamie was well prepared and it was smooth sailing for us, so to speak. Logistics is one of his real strengths - thanks Jamie.
Pacific Sailfish
The day’s fishing log…
Ran up to the northwest about 20 miles, lines in around 8 am. Jamie ran until he saw a couple of Pacific Sailfish swimming around on top close to the location he was looking for. Tried them – couldn’t coax them to bite.
At 10:15 a nice Blue Marlin came up in the spread. Piled on the left long teaser, sniffed around Keith’s bait for a few moments, and then took off. We teased the fish back into the spread once, but no bite. Jamie estimated the fish at about 200 lbs. Nice fish.
Lazy Sailfish bite around 11:30. Its plenty hot by now (about 98 degrees without the heat index), but the fish wasn’t… just sort of slid into the spread, chased the left teaser a bit, but then took a look and turned his nose up on the ballyhoo. Didn’t come back.
That was pretty much all for the day. But, that’s fishing. I took advantage of the time to start putting together a slide show as a prototype for one Keith wants once we’re home, and to edit some logos he’s had for the boat for awhile. Passed the time, and was a productive effort at the same time. Nothing like a fully air conditioned salon and 110 power, brotherAll for now. We’re on the water hose mooring in Flamingo, the sun’s setting and the crew’s in washdown mode. Keith and I will hop off in a few minutes, hit the grocery to re-provision the boat, and then I hope its a leisurely evening and a good sleep before fishing our ever loving asses off tomorrow - our last fishing day for this trip.
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